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Lab News
Stay up to date with our lab team!
UNB Psychology Honours Conference 2024
Honours students Emma Hynes, Hanna MacFarlane, and Jayden Roberts gave outstanding poster presentations at the 2024 UNB Psychology Honours Conference!
We are so proud to announce that Jayden won the Snodgrass Best Poster Presentation Award, and that Emma was a runner-up!

Arts Matters Conference 2024
Honours students Hanna MacFarlane and Jayden Roberts presented their research at the 2024 Arts Matters Conference at UNB.
Their research investigated oculomotor markers of reading difficulty in children with ADHD and executive functioning performance in young adults with and without a family history of Alzheimer's disease, respectively. Both received honourable mention for best talk!

Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science 2023

Our lab attended the 33rd Annual Meeting for the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science in Guelph, ON.
Kate MacGregor (research assistant) presented a poster on word predictability effects in monolingual and bilingual adults.
Narissa Byers (PhD student), Erika Guedea (PhD student), and Victoria Matthews (honours student) also gave talks on their on their research investigating schizotypal traits and reading abilities, word age of acquisition effects in linguistically diverse children, and oculomotor markers for reading difficulty in schizophrenia and dyslexia, respectively.
Science Atlantic Psychology Conference 2023
Honours students Victoria Matthews and Madeline Wiseman presented their research at the 46th Annual Science Atlantic Psychology Undergraduate Student Research Conference in Halifax, NS.
Victoria Matthews' research investigated reading behaviour in individuals with schizophrenia and dyslexia. Madeline Wiseman's research investigated language group differences in laterality and numerosity effects.

Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting 2022
Our lab attended the Psychonomic Society's 63rd Annual Meeting in Boston, MA.
Narissa Byers (PhD student) presented a poster on word age of acquisition effects in bilingual older and younger adults.

Erika Guedea (PhD student) presented a poster on the role of phonological processing in monolingual and bilingual children's reading behaviour.
International Conference on the Mental Lexicon 2022
Lab members Narissa Byers (PhD student), Erika Guedea (PhD student), and Sarah MacIsaac (research assistant, previous honours student) attended the International Conference on the Mental Lexicon in Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON.
Narissa Byers gave a talk on word age of acquisition effects in bilingual older and younger adults. Sarah MacIsaac presented a poster on the role of phonological processing in monolingual and bilingual children's reading behaviour.

Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science 2022
Our lab attended the 32nd Annual Meeting for the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science in Halifax, NS.
Erika Guedea (PhD student) and Courtney Stacey (honours student) gave talks on word age of acquisition effects in older adults and phonological processing in bilingual children, respectively. Gabrielle Levasseur (research assistant) won the CSBBCS Travel Award!

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